Online Statistics tools have a broad spectrum of potential uses.  Of particular interest to instructors of Adapted Physical Education is produced by Cornell University.  It's titled "Online Resource For U.S. Disability Statistics".  This sight is relevant to my field because it allows educators to tap into statistical data that is relevant to particular disabilities.  This sight had many links related to disabilities, including prevalence, demographic information, rehabilitative success rates, etc.  This type of sight is very useful in providing the best possible resources for disabled students.  I am most impressed with this sight as a jumping off platform, as it leads to an abundant collection of database and statistical tools that can benefit Adapted Educators as well as individuals with disabilities.   

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    Brandon Ellis
    -Adaptive PE\I.A.
    -Dog Lover
    -Lifelong Learner

    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    June 2013
    May 2013

